From Monday 3 February OUR WELCOME CENTRE AT DEPTFORD SALVATION ARMY is temporarily relocating to St Michael’s Centre, Desmond Street SE14 6AD

Contact Us

Please use the form below to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

If you need help from the foodbank the quickest way to reach us is by telephone. We can then direct you to the most appropriate agency to give you a foodbank voucher.

Email us

Contact details

Phone us

07938 071854

Phone us

07828 326749

Phone us

07462 601559

Phone us

07399 160854

Phone us

07399 160778

Phone us

07828 387600

Phone us

07462 615419

Phone us

07399 160914


Food parcels can be collected from any of our five centres listed below.

Occasionally our centres close for training. Please check the News section on our website or our social media channels for details.

Please note that Lewisham Foodbank Warehouse (New Hope Centre) is open Mon – Fri 10 am – 4 pm for donations ONLY and does not hand out food parcels.

We are closed on Bank Holidays.

Directions via Google Maps