From Monday 3 February OUR WELCOME CENTRE AT DEPTFORD SALVATION ARMY is temporarily relocating to St Michael’s Centre, Desmond Street SE14 6AD


Donate food

Our main warehouse, located at New Hope Centre, 353H Bromley Road SE6 2RP (access via Beachborough Road), is our only Foodbank centre accepting donations.

Please drop off during the following times:

Monday - Friday 9.00 am - 4.00 pm. Over bank holiday periods and during Christmas week, please check with us (07938 071854 or 07828 326749) that we are going to be open before dropping food off at New Hope Centre.

See below for other drop-off points.

Remember, you can always donate money if donating food is tricky at this time.


Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public – that’s why your food donations are absolutely vital to our ability to give everyone referred to us a balanced and nutritious week’s supply of food.

Our shopping list on the right shows the food items that we need right now.

Scroll down to see:

  • supermarket drop-off locations
  • other drop-off locations
  • online supermarket delivery donations


You can make an order via GiveToday and it will be delivered to our warehouse. All the items we need are listed on this site.

Give Today Logo


Would you like to receive alerts when you visit supermarkets to remind you of what we currently need? Scan the QR code below (



If you donate to Tesco store, they pledge to top up food donations by 20%. Between July & December 2020 they gave us just over £3,000. However please only use Tesco donation points for items purchased in-store.

Other donation points are listed below (or see map here).  Where a number is given please call the donation point beforehand to arrange delivery.

Downloadable/printable ‘Shopping List’

Donation point lists

Online supermarket orders

Delivery address*:
Lewisham Foodbank Warehouse
(access via Beachborough Road)
New Hope Centre
353H Bromley Road
London  SE6 2RP
Please note that our address can be tricky to find – please where possible quote our What3Words location, and ‘access via Beachborough Road’. Thank you!
Delivery times:
Mon – Fri: 9 am – 4 pm. Please call us on 07828 326749 to check before arranging a delivery time.
Thank you!

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