
Real Stories

“The foodbank was a lifesaver.” Your support is helping us to change lives.


Steve’s Story

client with cup of tea in foodbank centre

I came to the Foodbank this morning where I was helped out, I would just like to let all of you that are there even the ones I didn’t meet that the service that you offer is priceless as in my situation I was working but the company I was working for went into administration on 7 October and left me high and dry with no money and I ended up homeless with no money and no food and I used up all the help I could get from friends and family.  I don’t get my first benefits payment till next week and without your help today I would have been starving, I don’t know how to thank you guys, but I have left my contact details so please call me if you need a hand doing anything, now or in the future.  Many thanx




smiling man - foodbank client


Greg’s Story

Hi there to all at the Hope Centre, aka food bank Lewisham, I have been meaning to send you a message for a while.

Just before the start of the holidays I was offered a food voucher by a teacher at my sons school which I reluctantly took as I felt I didn’t need it, but knew that at some point I would need it.

When I finally plucked up the courage to come to the food bank I got to the door and was greeted by a lovely lady. I was then seen by a gentleman and he was a total star. I would just like to commend all of who work so very hard at this organisation, you do the most amazing job and I would like you all to know I’m very grateful for all the help I received on that day.



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